Thursday, November 20, 2008

Done at last

Finally everything has been handed in put on the server!
and my blog I feel now contains enough information images etc that sum up more or less my process and research for both the site done in flash as well as the one done in dreamweaver.

Regarding final site down in flash: Asia holiday site:
I'm not to happy with the design/content of the home pg and the thank you page,
but the rest of it Im happy with.

Regarding final dreamweaver site:
I'm just happy that its done at last. And that it does look much better then wed submission would have been. But feel like I really need to concentate on dreamweaver and perhaps next time make it a bit more interactive, or or elements photos etc but over all I am still happy with it, since at least it does function like its supposed to:)

Flash - back track (brief)

Like I mentioned in earlier post, since flash site I designed is a much larger site would only include some of the process work I did b/c of time factor.

Plus think should still be able to get the gest of it more or less:)

I think it best to include what it would have been like if I handed it on wednesday, even though it is pretty much only placement layouts that have slightly changed somewhat based on the tutors recommendations and just a couple other things that I think may be important to understand the process/options.

Just like to say I spend far too long on sorting out photos/images from trip since there was so so many of them to go through. Next time I'll be sure to be a bit more decisive earlier in the process.

Dreamweaver - end handed in

Well as it turned out my bad luck John is away on fridays.
So I did what I could to fix the problem so just have to have my fingers crossed that that the very least it will be good enough to at least get a pass for it if not more.

I think if I do take digital 6 I would need to read /view alot more tutorials, hopefully be able to do about of that in the summer holidays.

Overall I'm much happier with my designs then what they would have been if the deadline had not been changed to friday instead of the wednesday!

I definetly prefer flash over dreamweaver just a personal observation about which software makes more since to me.

last minute trouble _ dreamweaver

Just having a problem with one of the images in dreamweaver.
Have to see John asap tried many things to fix it but nothing works and Im sure it must be a very easily fixed problem. I even got my husband to take a look and he couldn't work it out either.

So really need to see John tomorrow about it as its a very visually obvious problem,

I tried to email him off memory what his email address would be but no luck, it bounched back.
I tried looking for his email address on the cpit site but no luck:(
I really do hope I find him tomorrow and he has 5 mins to spare to sort this out, more than anything I want to do what I have done wrong and what was the right method to fix it.

to end on a positive note, my site navagates probaby, all the links, pages work when I tried them out several times tonight.

Regarding final and runner ups for dreamweaver site

Basically just a quick note to say that yes I do realise that the runner up and the finals are more or less the same but have some subtle differences and it is in those design subtle differences that I hope would make it a better design.

Also would just like to mention that I will be getting ride of the 4 button nav and making it just one in order to make it appear less box like, at least thats the idea anyways.

Just glad to finally have everything more or less updated on my blog for at least the dreamweaver one.

Regarding photo chocies - colour symbolism site

Regarding why I decided not to use the many many mm's photo that I took (only a small portion are actually on this blog) is because even though they work great for colour theme, I thought they may make the site appear to be about chocolate etc instead of colour.
Plus even though they look like they would belong together ie: it would be consistent, I think the site woud appear more interesting to a larger range of users if it had different imagery/photo themes throughout the site.

sites used for flash site

I know I could make these into links on side bar like rest by decided to put them here instead:P

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Regarding images on side left bar

Just a heads up that some of the process images/layouts on the left side of this blog are not in order. For instance the photos that I didn't use of the mm's come I should have ideally included those a bit earlier in the blog. But hopefully its still easy enough to understand.

Like I mentioned in my post before this one its because I didn't update my blog consistently enough as I went through the proces:P opps next time

Lesson Learnt

I will definetly if taking digital year would make sure I update my blog as I go alone. Because it is just to time consuming. Last year for Digital 2 I did most of it as I went along and therfore the flow and time worked out much better. Anyways this is just a reminder for myself to make sure I get in the habbait of doing things as I go along for two main reasons:
1) time factor and 2) to make sure I don't rush/leave out process etc as I will be for example just be summing up flash site process etc and not really include such detailed process images etc as I have with dreamweaver.

The reason why I will have to just sum up flash site, only really add finals on blog of layout etc is because it contains alot more web pages then the flash site in a sense that its far more interactive and son on.

Workbook, re:Dreamwear site


Well as mentioned earlier I choose to do my site on colour symbolism since that has been my focus this year in drawing class....

As you can see on the left side of the blog, I have included some of the photos that I took for this project. For instance the yellow, red and blue block of colour with water drops on it, is of when I spent about a hour out in the rain taking photos of rain drops on different colour cars . It was specially hard finding a yellow car had to some serious walk about in the rain. I do realise that I could have just changed the colour of image in photoshop but didn't think it would look as realistic as actual different colour car surfaces.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Workbook/Blog update- back track

Having finally 99% finished my flash site and 90% of dreamweaver site, think its about time to finally actually update my blog/workbook with my process/research. Since I have been putting it abit, so my aim today is to hopefully by 2-3hrs time have this workbook updated and complete for hand it. May add one or two more posted before hand in on friday but that shouldn't take to much time I hope.

Resources: Books used for looking for inspiration/ref:
(from Lib)

Taking print to the web by Daniel Donnelly

Communication Arts: Interactive Annual 09 Sep/Oct 2003
Communication Arts: Interactive Annual 10 Sep/Oct 2004
Communication Arts: Interactive Annual 11 Sep/Oct 2005
Communication Arts: Interactive Annual 12 Sep/Oct 2006
Communication Arts: Interactive Annual 14 Sep/Oct 2008

Web design to the next Generation by Daniel Donnelly

Book/magazine colletion:
(from home)

Communication Arts, May/June 2008

Digital Layout for the internet and other Media by David Skopec

Identity Design Sourcebook, successful IDs Deconstructd and Revealed,
by Clay Andres, Catherine Fishel and Pat Matson Knapp.

Even though the books I used have alot of website address that I looked but, more than half were no longer valid, under construction etc which is to be expected I suppose because websites aren't always up forever whereas books(print) has a longer life line.

So in order to get around this problem I scanned a handful of layouts from some of the books since I thought it will be good to have them on hand for direction etc, It will simply just take far too long possibly a entire day to scan in all the good layouts/website designs that I had picked from the books to put them all up on this blog.

As it is it has taken me almost the whole day just to update my blog and I possibly still have another 2 hours work/updating to do on this site.
I had forgotten how much it takes to update etc I guess thats what I get for not doing it as I went along the process:p never mind, It will get there in the end.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I am so relieved that we have until friday for our deadline instead of wed,
but since I wasn't aware of that it worked out better because I now have my flash site complete as of late last night and now can spend some time on it tomorrow if not tonight tweeking it and making it more polished.

So perfer flash over dreamweaver. I'm suprised its the other way around for most people. Anyways at least was able to do a site in dreamweaver to at least a passable standard. Hopefully I can make the design etc a bit better John recommend I get a book thats called breaking the grid or checking out a few more sites so I hope to be able to do that.

Its been good being able to be in today all day from 9am till 5pm since I got a lot down and not so stresssed out anymore however a bazair panicky day for me in class because of dreamweaver.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

todays results

Happy to say that I finally have all my photos, layouts etc sorted for flash project at last now at a stage to try and do it on flash now going to take a lot of hours but I will get it done in the end I have to. However suprised that its due on the 19th Nov as suppose to 24 Nov since I think 19th is middle of the week will have to check calendar and talk to john if thats the case maybe.

For now Happy with what I have achieved today not as unreachable as I thought hopefully.
spend 9-5pm all day in the computer room doing web! 1-5 was class time but still really happy about that!

Will see john perhaps on thursday since I'm sure need help by then

will seriously have to put process on computer super soon.

research, references, work process coming soon

I know I haven't yet taken the time to put my research etc resources on this blog but I will at some stage be sure to do this as well as my layouts, plans etc even the neglected rejected ones as it will show the process I went through to get to the end eventually.

Research, References, Photos etc are coming real soon.

back on target asap

I know I"m seriously a bit behind at this stage due to illness and other circumstances, but having spent all morning working on my plans etc for flash site etc I know I will manage it ok in the end at least thats what I'm hoping:P

Also the fact that I was able to buy yesterday an flash help book as well as a dreamweaver one from boarders I know will help for when I get stuck as it always happens now and then.

I think I'm very luck not to have to go into work this week because that means I do have a bit extra time that I can actually study! especially on web projects.

Really need to reconfirm the due date I think its the same day as the rest of the briefs which are 24th November and I'm really hoping that is the case but will double check this today.

I know I have seriously neglected my blog this time around but I will fix that. There is like just 3 weeks left so no room to deveate from any of the briefs especially web digital projects since thats been on my mind alot.

Now back to it I suppose enough of my blabber.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

flash site_content

thinking that my flash website will have the following pages:

China page

Singapore page

Maccau page

Hong Kong page

Malaysia page

all photos are that of which we/family members took on holiday and therefore no copyright issues since they are ours!

not 100% sure besides photo of what content can have text wise? need to get on that but really don't want it to be text heavy since it really is more a photo gallery site:P

Reminder_regarding dreamweaver and blog update

There are a few things that I need to update this blog with, with regards to my dreamweaver project etc, so need to do that sometime this week or next at the lastest as well, like my page layout designs and chages etc, so need to remember to do that as well:P


Need to sort out all images going to use

Get layout sorted and navagation etc all worked out asap

Think this weeks aim before next monday will be to be 100% sure of content, layout, images etc all at right sizes and from next week monday all the techical side needs working out. This is a an absolute deadline can not deviate from it!

Term4_Back on track

Basically just thought it important to mention that I think I'm finally going to get out of my loal, and really get ontop of things. Think this week excluded it will be really good that I won't be in work for the next 2 following weeks because then I can dedicate that time to this subject!!!

Need to finish off dreamweaver flash pages

Keep onto of blog

and really focus on flash site which I will be doing site on: TRIP: ASIA focus using my photos from our holiday in which we took last year.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Need to experiment/ revise actually how to use Dreamweaver, get all my images, text sorted so that it will be only a matter of getting it sorted in Dreamweaver since thats what's going to take a lot of time. Also now that the deadline has changed thankfully, since was worried that we didn't have 2 weeks of original time for it, need to maybe do more with it since more time however need to make sure dedicated/spread time with the next project also. Going to be a little tricky since would have no glue in terms of marks on what need to focus on etc but should be Ok, no point in worrying about that:P

Sunday, August 3, 2008

imagery for web site

Think thats enough for my blog now, going to be consentrating on image selection/layout design for site and research inspiration for website! Must say I had forgotten how hooked I can get on blog and the whole design process for website:P
Thinking now that I have 100% committed to doing a colour them site can basically use any kind of imagery!
Thinking that I could still use some trip photos in new website that is colour/texture/symbolism foucus with regards to that theme instead of labeling where the image is from etc.
Will keep this option open for now and pick images for new texture/colour/symbolism site.


I'm kind of worried about not being able to attent class later this afternoon.
Feeling to sick to go in, taken some medicine hoping that I will feel better by then to be able to go in. Already taking the moring off work so hopefully that will be enough. But can only wait and see.
No point in going in if feeling this bad, won't be able to process anything as well as possibly making ours sick:(.
However if it ends up that I dont go would want to at least sort some research/design concepts etc for web site, so that the only thing I need to worry about asking from Tutor would be technical help/support because God knows I need it, so very rusty of skills learnt last year. Hopefully it will come flushing back once start on the technical aspects again:P Now I really need to go back to bed.

change of direction!

New decision, Final decison: going with a colour theme web sight, perhaps just primary colours etc
think it would be more interesting and visually more interesting then just a plain trip site, which would have been fine but not as artistic or general audience as a colour/texture sight will be!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I haven't got onto of this how I had planned. I have started looking at some books for inspiration and possible directions (will inlcude list on blog soon) but nothing has yet moved me/inspired to the degree that I'm looking for yet.

Really hoping that since we didn't have class last week that the due date changes otherwise we have one less week then original timeframe:(

Also kind of been having 2nd thoughts about theme of the website. Thinking if I should do something more general that has nothing to do with my travels, maybe perhaps a site dedicated to colour and symbolism of colour, colours in our everyday lives etc this would tie in well with my theme for this year for my other subjects.
Perhaps could use both colour and texture imgages in this new possibility of website.
Definetly the photos are more artistic then my travel pictures, perhaps thats also another reason why I'm having second thoughts of doing travel site. After all images do have a huge impact on design outcome regardless of medium weather it be print, web, paint etc

In order to illustrate the above point, I think I best include a couple of travel images versus a couple of colour and/or texture images on the side bar of this blog. Im also thinking that it would be possible to use photos have already posted on blog for the website if I choose to do colour/texture eg: tree images, Flower images, water images and so on.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Trip list

This is a list of the places/locations that have travelled:

New Zealand
(Queenstown, Invercargil, Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckaland, Wellington, Hamner Springs, Akaroha)




China (3 different cities)

Hong Kong





Think should only consider locations/trips that have digital photos of because otherwise going to take way to much time to scan in everything time that could have been spent doing something else on actually learning new skills and consentrating on design outcome.

Think that means that Norway, Germany and Isreal if I remember correctly are out since didn't have a digital camera at the time of those trips.

I'm not one that likes being in alot of photos but since I have decided to do a trip site of my travels think should include a few photos that I be in. Of course I would not have taken those shoots but those shoots would have been taken either by my wonderful husband or by family and friends, therefore would be very easy to ask for their permission and am completly sure they they may think me mad to ask them persmission to use the photos:P so would not have any issues when it comes to copy right issues.

Another relisation that have just had, is that is just far to many photos on various locations. Need to pick and choose and this is going to take some time but need to get onto this asap. So that know my exact content etc for the site given that I will just have to make up text as I go:P

To demonstrate my point:

Maccau 219 files (photos) to go through and select

Singapore 103 files (photos) to go through and select

China 628 files (photos to go through and select

Malaysia 595 files (photos) to go through and select

Hong Kong 820 files (photos) to go through and select

Australia alot of files for that too but not sure of exact number as that is on disc at the moment, minimum would be 100. Most likely around 400 at best guess from top of head count.

Just thinking that currently I do have a few albums on facebook of our trips etc. So will have to make sure that my site looks better then just putting my photos on facebook:P

TRIP theme site

Now that I know that I will be doing a trip website, have a few decisions to make:

Is my site going to be dedicated to only one trip location or time eg trips of 2007, or Australia trip or is it going to be a mixture of the different trips that have had in the last so many years etc

Then need to go through our trip photos and pick and choice and resize them to 72dpi etc, so that they would be website friendly.

Made up Mind!!!

After much consideration to all my options on the table, having finally picked theme:

Winner: My trip site (since don't need to worry about copy right issues)
Runner up: Virutes quotations eg: kindness, loyalty, courage etc
2nd Runner up: Digital Lib of my photos

Since I went through pretty much all my collection of photos on CD/Computer etc thought just had to at least include some images onto my blog since decided against doing a digital Lib of my photos, since just far to many to do at this stage, plus wouldnt want everything up on the web.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Other projects (web design)

A friend of mine is graduating from uni at the end of the year and would like a online portfolio!

My cousin has a dental practice and he would like a website for this practice. My Husband and I did rebranding for him for his practice so it would be complete once he also has a online pressence!

Think would be good to do both of these projects but not sure that should do them as my choice for the brief. Because they would need to have input into the designs etc for their requirements... think it would put strains on me for having complete control and freedom with design of own site for the project at hand. However would be a really good experience to have to see what it would be like to design for our people.

Website possibilites on the table

Possibilities on the table for own site are:

Website of some of my travels/trips around NZ and world.

Website of selection of my digital photos, kind of like create a digital lib of my photos (theres lots)

Website on Virtues in which can use own images and perhaps quotations from different religions or just foucus on Quotations from the Bahai Faith.

Childrens language and/or culture learning site. Could maybe use photo of a soft toy character that connects it together visually and makes it appeal to kids more.

Movies (DVD), Gmes (Boardgames and Playstation3, PSP and Xbox) review site of our collection at home but just not sure if allowed to do this because of Copyright laws? I wonder if I take photos/scan DVD covers etc of our collection then could I do this for this school project? It is just a personal review site of everything that we have purchased so its like like its for a client or anything or maybe Ok. But better check this out to make sure.